Thursday, June 12, 2014

New website.

I have a new website, and I'm going to hopefully migrate all my content there. I have a new blog there too.
I will still update this on occasion, if I remember.

plus my deviantart account is updated regularly gregorystephenson,

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Lana Del Rey

Christmas was really busy for me, I was either doing something else or too tired to draw. I did this sketch at work and finished it at home.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Drawing on the train

Drawing on the train is difficult. Seemingly every time I try to I'm on a train that cannot remain still, bumping and jumping all over the place.

Here is a quick drawing that came out.

Attack on Titan

I think anime is an underrated medium, more so in the West. They are dismissed as cartoons with characters with big eyes. I think they contain some of the best drama in film and TV, especially on an emotional level.

I was watching the newish series, Attack on Titan. It's great fun.

The Bomb in Phantoms

This started as a doodle that I was just messing about with. I decided to finish it and upload it in various places. I might mess with it digitally and make a black and white version.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Test post


It seems like every year there is a new interpretation of vampires and every so often, Dracula. The most recent being the TV series starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the fang-some one. I think it's a bit hit and miss, the whole industrial warfare being waged by Dracula and Van Helsing against the well groomed Order of the Dragon is tiresome. The fight scenes are ill-fitting and the tone is unbalanced. I'll see it out to the end regardless. I'd just like to see a flawless interpretation of vampires and Dracula in the vein of Let The Right One In or Near Dark. Or as other worldly of Nosferatu. Any who, here is a doodle painting of the Count.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Another protest picture


A painting that I've been working on a while. I nearly ruined it beyond repair, so I put it to one side until I was brave enough to attack it again.


I always find my opinion is divided on the role of Zoos and animals in captivity. Throughout my life, I have enjoyed visiting Zoos and even seeing Dolphins and Killer Whales in Windsor Safari Park. I understand from a conservation angle, I see the benefit and as a sanctuary for animals that are unable to exist in the wild due to the circumstances of the animals. If a chimp has been performing on the streets of Thailand after being stolen from his parents, or bears that have been badly treated.
I watched Blackfish and the activity of Sea World is something I was aware of, but the stuff that goes on is just cruel, and cannot be sustained. It has no place in the world today, and they shouldn't be supported.

This is my first attempt at conveying my opinion of the treatment of Killer Whales, being kept in small tanks and locked away, being subjected to physical and mental abuse and lots more.


 I go through phases of wanting to draw different things. It usually varies between animals or a particular type of character, i.e. Batman etc.

I've always enjoyed the idea of the Samurai, visually first and then the ideology. The first image is a comment on the supposedly homosexual practices of the Samurai to inspire a bond in the army. It was the same practice in the Roman army too. The second image is a free hand drawing I did, after looking at different poses with the sword.

If Apes...

 If Apes started fashioning weapons out of wood we would probably shoot them. That's people for you.

Animal Rivals

 I always like to think of what the opinions of animals have towards each other, well from a human perspective. I doubt a Baboon would consider the properties of the digits on a Lion's paws. Vice versa in terms of the aesthetic qualities of a Baboon's rear.
Also I think Baboon's are more scary than Lions. Such a crazy looking creature.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More recent stuff.


Card designs

I like designing cards for birthdays and Christmas for friends and family. Maybe because I hate spending money. I like making strange designs too. I'm thinking about selling my designs, or making and selling them myself. The birthday fish is the first design.

Just dumping some recent-ish stuff to get up to date.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I keep forgetting about having a blog. I will update it in the next couple of days.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


My version of the TMNT's, Raphael.