Sunday, May 23, 2010

An updated version of my self portrait. I'm going to leave this painting alone now and waste my time doing something else.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A self portrait. The face is finished, I'm not too sure about the background. I did have a concept, though I couldn't get it to work as well as I'd like. It keeps changing and this is it's current state. I thought I'd better capture before I ruined it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

After watching 'Mushishi', I had an idea for a short story and this is the first image that came to me. I've always liked the idea of writing, illustrating and hopefully publishing some stories. It won't be a comic, as I don't think I'm discliplined enough to do comics. I've writing the beginning and all is going well.

A Sea Horse. Ink and acrylic.

I started this painting a while back. I went to fix it, though I didn't have an fixative left and it kind of went missing. I found it the other week and finished it. It is based on a Dave Matthews Band song, 'Dive In'.

I really like strange body shapes and positions to draw. Ballet and contact sports always provide the most interesting ones in my opinion. This is ink drawing of a MMA fight between Clementi and Stout. The figures came out ok, still not sure about the red and blue lines, they should have been more considered.