Thursday, October 11, 2012

Off work, so...

 Anyone who knows me, two things are true. The first is that I'm incredibly difficult to get along with, and secondly I never get ill. I'm like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable, but with more hair, This week however I've been struck done with some chest problem. I'm asthmatic too, so it is worse. At this moment in time I've had 2 and 2/3 days of work, unheard of for me. I've had 4 days off in 13 years before this. Crazy, huh?

So when I have the energy I've been trying new things.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012


I got a new sketchbook yesterday. I got a Moleskine, my second one. I usually am quite tentative when I start a new one. What I mean is, that I try and make everything I draw perfect. The last couple are full of scribble and half formed ideas and crappy drawing. Trying to be less precious about it, drawing for drawings sake.

This is a sketch of the RZA. Five minutes with ink and wash. I quite like it. :)

Sunday, October 07, 2012


Well, these are the two paintings I mentioned in a previous post. The photographs are bit blurred, sorry. I took a couple but the weather conditions were making merry hell of my photos.
The one on the right doesn't look too bad with the blur in my opinion. I'll re-take them at some point, probably when the 3rd one is finished. Though I've only prepared the back ground so far and I'm a busy man.

These are the biggest paintings I've done since the beginning of 2012, so I'm kind of out of practice but I enjoyed them and I feel I got back into the swing of things quite quickly. I have the least experience with acrylic paint than oil and watercolour as well.
I hope you like them.

Recent birds, which I seem to draw a lot

 Working with inks and watercolours together. I quite like how they came out.

Ghost Frog

I still feel guilty about accidently killing a baby frog when I was 10 years old.

Refining my lines

Mangy Fox.

I really enjoy reading fairy tales and  folklore, these days that of other countries. I enjoy Scandinavian and Japanese folklore the most. Mostly due to me, it seems the most alien to the stories I'm used to.
This is a rough, for a painting I've since completed and subsequently expanded into another picture. I don't usually complete rough paintings, though I had trouble visualising certain aspects of picture in sketch form.
It's based on the fox folklore of Japan called Kitsune. In it's simplest form is basically foxes transform back and forth into women. The perception of foxes is more positive than in the western world, which is another reason I like the stories. Foxes are up there with Tigers in terms of beauty to me. I haven't posted the painting, as it's bigger than usual and I need to photograph it.

Some doodles of various quality.

 I was just trying to keep drawing, whether or not I had a good idea or not.


 Butterflies are the best insects in the world visually. Bees are the best insects of all time, mostly because of honey. They look cool too.
Anyway, I was trying to work out of a concept, that in the end didn't really work. It started out, as something and changed into something. It makes more sense with the sketchbook doodles, though in these images it's difficult to explain what I aiming for. Anyway, some okay-looking pictures.